About My Book

Wide-Eyed In A Sleepy Town

Life is never the same for Mr Prasad’s family when they shift to their new house in a secluded corner of a small town. As they explore the apparently strange world, they encounter characters from a culturally contrasting background, stumble across places wrapped in half-light of mystery, and witness the unfolding of incidents which are amusing, mysterious, humorous or tragic.

In this insular town inhabited by Anglo Indians, tribals and missionaries, spring is followed by the ‘season of robberies’, lights spring up in a haunted house, statues come to life....

In the eyes of townspeople, Anglo Hill is a spooky place where apparitions abound, the heath near Mr Prasad’s house is haunted by mythical beasts, coal mines swallow houses, and American missionaries live like Hollywood stars.

A sudden turn of events lifts the shroud around these places, characters and incidents, and the truth – amusing, mysterious, tragic or humorous – unravels.

Is Wide-eyed in a Sleepy Town an autobiography? Read More

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Alok Sinha

is a senior journalist who has worked as editor and correspondent for some of the leading English dailies of India, including The Times of India. His career spans over twenty-eight years with seven years in the publishing industry.

As editor of HarperCollins India, Alok worked with some of the finest writers from India, Asia and the Western world. He was also commissioning editor for higher education at Macmillan India.

Alok lives in Delhi and is working on his next novel, a thriller. A poet at heart, he loves to dabble in verse. He is also a music buff and a travel enthusiast.

Wide-Eyed In A Sleepy Town